Personal Groundwork for Coaching™
Are you ready to create change for yourself? If your answer is “yes” then you are ready for an eight week personal exploration that will catalyze positive change in several key areas. Personal Groundwork for Coaching™ is a structured pathway towards examining and defining key areas for greater clarity and understanding of your life. As you work through the program you will begin to see how and if your goals align with what is most important to you and how you can attain them faster and with greater confidence. For many, new goals will be identified and created. The program will take you through three key areas:
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Building resiliency |
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Breaking through obstacles |
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Align with your personal integrity |
Each key area has several sub-concepts that are anecdotally explained in the workbook with corresponding worksheets and exercises to be done between classes each week which will help you apply them to your own situations. In addition, you will be able to pinpoint gaps that are present which could impede or completely block your progress towards attaining your goals and you will also discover new information for creating decision making filters and motivation points for you to focus on as you work towards your goals.
Participants of the Personal Groundwork for Coaching™ program will be asked to examine their beliefs and attitudes towards things like:
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Adapting to change |
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The people in their personal and professional orbit |
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The roles they play in various settings |
What they stand for personally and professionally |
And much more… |
Participants will also be asked to identify efficiency/deficiency points such as where they may use ineffective energy sources to get through their day, how they manage and use the energy they do have and how they can streamline the processes and systems they use in both their personal and professional lives.
Each participant will receive a Personal Groundwork for Coaching™ workbook prior to the class. Class size is limited to twenty people. In the event you miss a class, each class will be recorded (audio and visuals) on Elluminate® and can easily be accessed from your computer at your leisure. Only registered participants will be able to access the recordings. When you sign up for the class you will be given instructions to access and use Elluminate®. The program is simple and easy to use, even for computer novices.
The Personal Groundwork for Coaching™ program has been used with hundreds of coaching clients successfully and has been taught in executive coaching programs in several universities in the United States, Canada and Europe.
This program will be facilitated by its author, Amy Ruppert, Master Certified Coach. Amy has facilitated this program and its concepts with hundreds of her coaching clients and to various groups in and outside of organizations. Amy is considered the coach's coach. She has trained, mentored and assessed for certification hundreds of professional coaches since 1996. She has also written curriculum for and taught University Executive Coaching programs. In addition Amy has developed and chaired five global coaching conferences and has facilitated hundreds of hours of coaching skills training to professional coaches from entry to mastery level around the world.
Program Dates:
Eight one-hour classes:
Tuesdays 10:00 AM PST; 12:00 PM CST; 1:00 PM ESTSeptember 14 – November 2, 2010
Program Cost:USA participants: $349.00 USD
Click here to register
Canadian participants: $375 CDN
Click here to register
To learn more about the program please email Amy.